The 14th Technical Commission of the MNRA met by videoconference on the 18th of June 2020 at the invitation of the AEM of Croatia, which assumes the incoming vice-presidency of the network.
The CAC of Catalonia, Spain, was represented as the current Chair of the network and as founding member, the NCRTV of Greece and the ERC of Portugal as founding members, the French CSA, as outgoing Vice-Chair, founding member and member of the Executive Secretariat, and the HACA of Morocco as Executive Secretariat.
The Catalan CAC as co-chair (with the Portuguese ERC) of the Gender and Media working group presented a synthesis of the study on the treatment of information on gender violence in news programmes. The AEM of Croatia as co-chair (with the Catalan CAC) of the Media Literacy working group reported the results of the questionnaire on the legal framework, the competences of regulators, national initiatives and partnerships in media literacy.
The participants also exchanged views on the draft agenda of the 21st Plenary Assembly to be organised by the Croatian Vice-Presidency.