Creation and status
The Agency conducts administrative, expert and technical activities for the Council.
The bodies of the Agency are the Director of the Agency and the Electronic Media Council, which is the governing body of the Agency. The Director of the Agency represents and manages the Agency and is responsible for its operation. The Director of the Agency is the President of the Electronic Media Council.
The President of the Electronic Media Council and the Director of the Agency is appointed by the Croatian Parliament. In accordance with the Regulation on the Internal Organization of the Agency for Electronic Media, the following internal units are established: the Office of the Director, the Department for Monitoring and Analysis of Media Contents, the Department of Financial Management, the Legal Department.
Legal framework
The Electronic Media Act (OG 153/09; 84/11) regulates the rights, obligations and responsibilities of legal and natural persons that provide audio and audiovisual media services and services of electronic publications by electronic communication networks, and the interest of the Republic of Croatia in the field of electronic media. The Electronic Media Council adopted a series of Ordinances regulating the electronic media sector, in accordance with the Electronic Media Act.
The Council Members
Josip Popovac , President of the Council and Director of the Agency
Robert Tomljenović, Vice-president
Damir Bučević, Member
Anita Malenica, Member
Vanja Gavran, Member
Davor Marić, Member
Competencies of the Electronic Media Council:
- conducts the procedure of granting concessions in compliance with the Electronic Media Act and the Act on Concessions;
- enters into a concession contract with the most advantageous tenderer;
- passes a decision on terminating a concession in cases anticipated by the Electronic Media Act;
- undertakes appropriate measures for the purpose of temporary limitation of the freedom to broadcast audiovisual media services from other states;
- conducts the procedure of granting licences for providing the activities of audio and/or audiovisual media services on demand as well as satellite, Internet, cable and other permissible means of transmission of audiovisual and/or radio programmes;
- in cases of violation of provisions of the Electronic Media Act and other regulations, issues warnings and/or initiates procedures before the relevant minor offence courts;
- keeps the Register of Media Service Providers;
- implements the provisions of the Electronic Media Act relating to the protection of pluralism, the diversity of electronic media, the protection of minors as well as other values of a free and democratic society;
- conducts the procedure of supervision over the implementation of the provisions of the Electronic Media Act and takes appropriate measures in cases of established violations thereof;
- considers the complaints of citizens on media services providers’ conduct and undertakes measures where necessary;
- passes recommendations for the implementation of the Electronic Media Act;
- promotes self-regulation and co-regulation;
- cooperates with regulatory bodies of other states and/or the European Commission and other relevant institutions in the exchange of information;
- submits reports to the Croatian Parliament and other competent bodies;
- submits reports to the European Commission;
- promotes media literacy;
- organises public counselling and various expert meetings;
- conducts analyses concerning certain issues in the electronic media sector;
- passes the annual work programme of the Agency;
- performs other tasks stipulated by this Act and other regulations as well as the Statute of the Agency;
Fund for the Promotion of Pluralism and Diversity of Electronic Media
The Fund for the Promotion of Pluralism and Diversity of Electronic Media is the Fund of the Agency for Electronic Media. The sources of financial means for the Fund are secured by the provisions of the Electronic Media Act and the Croatian Radio Television Act. The Fund’s means are dedicated to the stimulation, production and broadcasting of audiovisual and radio programmes of public interest by television and/or radio broadcasters at the local and regional levels as well as audiovisual and radio programmes of non-profit television and/or radio broadcasters. The programmes of public interest are those which are particularly important for: the exercise of citizens’ right to public information, the promotion of cultural diversity and fostering of cultural heritage, the development of education, science and arts, the promotion of works in dialects of the Croatian language, the promotion of specialized programmes in the areas of special state concern, the national minorities in the Republic of Croatia, the promotion of the development of the awareness of gender equality, the promotion of the programmes for the children and youth aiming at enhancing their well being. The Fund’s means should stimulate the employment of highly qualified skilled employees in television and/or radio broadcasters. The decision on fund allocation is made by the Electronic Media Council.
Jagićeva 31, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone: +385 (0)1 4882 610 / +385 (0)1 4882 766
Fax: +385 (0)1 4882 614