Foundation and status

AMA is the regulatory authority in the field of audio and/or visual broadcasting programmes and other support services in the territory of the Republic of Albania succeeding the former KKRT implemented by law Nb. 8410, dated 30/09/1998 . AMA is a juridical person, independent, with head office in Tirana which operates pursuant to and for the implementation of the provisions of law nb.97 dated on 04.03.2013 and of the legislation in force on the Republic of Albania. On that date The AMA replaced the former KKRT.

Role and mission

This law regulates the activity of the audiovisual media and of their supporting services, on bases of the technological neutrality principle in the territory of the Republic of Albania. This law applies to linear and non linear audiovisual broadcasts and their support services. This law does not apply to the print media.


The main functions of the AMA are to:
a) Regulate broadcasting activities, by reviewing applications for the provision of broadcasting services (including for digital broadcasting); issuing and revoking licences and authorizations (including for the services provided by the Public broadcasting service ART); determining their fees; developing the strategies for the provision of broadcasting services in Albania; drafting and approving broadcasting regulations and other sub legal acts; resolving disputes between the providers of audio or audio-visual broadcasting services (including disputes with public broadcaster);
b) Ensure fair competition and the development of ART, supervise the implementation of the service contract concluded with ART, prepare and issue guidelines for ART, concerning the fulfilling of its obligations, determine the criteria and regulatory measures for the co-usage of ART broadcasting infrastructure;
c) Cooperate with the Commission for Consumer Protection to ensure consumer protection in the field of electronic media, to prevent unfair practices of audiovisual media service providers (AAMSP) and service’s provision with abusive prices; cooperate with the Minister for the drafting of the National Frequency Plan and with the Electronic and Postal Communications Authority (EPCA), the Competition Authority, the Copyright Protection Office and other bodies, such as the representative bodies within the audiovisual media sector, and with the homologues bodies of other states to help in the training activity in the audiovisual media sector.

The AMA, apart from the above functions:
a) Collects, administrates and publishes information on the broadcasting sector in the Republic of Albania and at the international level;
b) Realizes, supports and promotes research regarding the audiovisual media issues and the role of media, gives its opinion on the prospective of audiovisual media activity, upon request or on its own initiatives, suggests modifications of legislation and regulations dictated by technological, economic, social and cultural development in the field of audiovisual media.
c) The AMA monitors the integrity of programs transmitted by the AAMSP, controls the implementation of this law by the subjects that exercise their activity in this field, and cooperates with other public bodies, according to their competence, to impose sanctions in case of violations;
d) The AMA guides the Albanian AAMSP for broadcasting from Albania toward other countries, in accordance with international or regional acts, in which the Republic of Albania is a party; it prepares recommendations for the position of the Republic of Albania in official international negotiations on audiovisual media, expresses its proposal on the signing and on the correct application of international agreements dealing with audiovisual media, participates in international activities related to strategy and development prospects of audiovisual media, and supports the participation and cooperation of public and private subjects with homologue European and world organizations in the field of audiovisual media;
e) The AMA controls the quality of reception of signals in coverage areas and seeks solutions to public complaints about the quality of the of audiovisual signals’ broadcasting;
f) At the beginning of each year, the AMA reports for its annual activity, developments in the field of broadcasting and how have been respected by the public and private network the obligations arising from the law. The report is presented to the Education and Means of Public Information Committee and to the Assembly in plenary session.


The AMA members are appointed by the Assembly for a five years term, with the right of renewal only once. AMA is composed of the president, the vice-presidente and five members.


The members of AMA are:

  • Ms. Armela Krasniqi, Chairwoman
  • Ms. Desada Metaj, Vice-chairwoman
  • Ms. Joana Allushi, Member
  • Mr. Jetmir Halilaj, Member
  • Ms. Aurela Bicja, Member
  • Mr. Besian Zogaj, Member
  • Mr. Gjergji Hamiti, Member


Tel: +355 4/ 2226 294; +355 4/ 2233 599
Fax: +355 4/ 2226 133

Address: Street “Papa Gjon Pali II”, Nr. 15, KP 1010, Tiranë