Docs EN

Minutes 23rd PA MNRA October 2024169.6 KB06/02/2025Minutes 22nd PA 28 29 September 2023103.4 KB19/12/2023CR 22ème AP 28 29 septembre 2023182.6 KB19/12/2023Women in sports programming in the Mediterranean audiovisual sphere_EN3.5 MB06/04/2023MNRA Recommendations on media coverage of media violence_ENG250.5 KB19/10/2021Study on the news coverage of gender-based violence in the Mediterranean audiovisual area (english)_DEF680.0 KB19/10/2021Agenda 20th Plenary Assembly 2018266.1 KB14/12/2018Report CNMC _Workshop Migrants Refugees_2018 November328.1 KB23/11/2018Minutes 12th TC 29 june 2018257.4 KB12/11/2018Conceptual Note _Side Event_Gender Equality_CSW 2018_UN_15 March_ENG_FINAL3.3 MB20/03/2018Declaration_MNRA_Freedom of communication_Gender Equality_Side event CSW2018_UN_15 March 2018_EN_Final218.5 KB14/03/2018Declaration for an overhaul of the audiovisual regulation in the digital environment 2017212.5 KB19/02/2018Declaration on the informative treatment of migrants and refugee crisis 2016173.4 KB19/02/2018Declaration on the fight againts gender stereotypes 201292.4 KB19/02/2018Declaration on reality shows 2011171.6 KB19/02/2018Declaration concerning the protection of young publics 2009301.6 KB19/02/2018Declaration on audioviusal content regulation 2008435.3 KB19/02/2018Founding Declaration 1997212.0 KB19/02/2018Charter of MNRA in force326.4 KB16/02/2018Reference texts-Press releases plenary assemblies-February 2018- English-French2.2 MB19/01/201819 PA_ 2017_ MINUTES347.3 KB03/12/201719th PA_presentations_ 17 November 2017109.1 MB02/12/201719th PA_presentations_16 November 2017133.8 MB02/12/2017Study Gender Equallity in SPORTS PROGRAMMES_2017_ENGLISH_ANGLAIS1.2 MB25/10/201711th TC minutes and record of decisions-02082017396.3 KB02/08/2017Minutes and action points 18th Plenary Assembly Barcelona 2016451.9 KB01/12/2016Etude stereotypes de genre PUBLICITE-2016_FRANCAIS_FRENCH568.2 KB25/11/2016CSA-FRANCE-Report on Women Sports Coverage on Television_ENGLISH_20171.2 MB25/10/2016Memorandum of understanding COPEAM_MNRA FINAL464.7 KB15/05/2010Creation of the Network of Mediterranean Regulatory Authorities 199742.0 KB29/11/1997

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