The Arcom was created by the law of 25 October 2021 on the regulation and protection of access to cultural works in the digital age. Arcom, an independent public authority, born from the merger of  CSA and HADOPI, was set up on 1 January 2022.


Arcom is composed of a Board of nine members. Their term of office is 6 years.

The president is appointed by the President of the Republic. Three members are appointed by the President of the National Assembly, three by the President of the Senate, one by the Vice-President of the Council of State and one by the First President of the Court of Cassation.

Roch-Olivier Maistre, Chairman


Carole Bienaimé Besse

Jean-François Mary

Hervé Godechot

Juliette Théry

Benoît Loutrel

Anne Grand d’Esnon

Laurence Pécaut-Rivolier

Denis Rapone


Arcom’s missions are as follows:

To provide access to a pluralist audiovisual offer, respectful of rights and freedoms

  • To ensure political pluralism and the ethics of programmes;
  • To promote the fair representation of French society and the accessibility of audiovisual services and programmes;
  • To protect young people;
  • To guarantee optimal reception of programmes;
  • To implement the modernisation of DTT;
  • To ensure the deployment of DAB +: digital terrestrial radio.

To defend the creative industry and its actors

  • To promote legal offers;
  • To ensure the financing and promotion of audiovisual and cinematographic production;
  • To integrate international on-demand audiovisual media services into the French system of financing creation;
  • To act against illegal services;
  • To contribute to the fight against piracy of sports broadcasts;
  • To make platforms responsible for protected content;
  • To alert users and dissuading them from illicit practices, with the graduated response.

To contribute to the development of a safer internet

  • To fight against the manipulation of information;
  • To fight against online hate;
  • To contribute to media and information literacy;
  • To fight  against the access to online pornography for minors;
  • To control the commercial exploitation of children’s images on online platforms;
  • To act in favour of the ecological transition;
  • To participate in the regulation of platforms at the European level.

To carry out studies for the benefit of audiences and professionals

 Seven Working Groups chaired by a member of the Board cover all of ARCOM’s missions.


The Directorate for Creation ensures that audiovisual media services respect their obligations in terms of financing and broadcasting audiovisual and cinematographic works. It implements effective means of protecting dematerialised content against illegal use and promotes its legal distribution on the Internet.

The Directorate for audiences, pluralism and social cohesion sees to the respect of the rules and commitments in terms of pluralism, rights and freedoms, protection of children and audiences and social cohesion.

The Television and Video on Demand Directorate implements the rules and procedures relating to the access to the market for audiovisual media services. It is responsible for planning the frequencies used for digital terrestrial television (DTT) broadcasting. It supervises the procedure for authorising services on DTT, from the conduct of calls for applications to the actual broadcasting of the channel. It also carries out impact studies, monitors technological developments in the broadcasting sector and participates in the standardisation of broadcasting equipment and techniques. It is responsible for on-demand audiovisual media services  and the distribution of television services and  AVMS.

The Radio and Digital Audio Directorate is responsible for regulating radio operators and monitoring the development of online audio content. It is responsible for planning the frequencies used for radio broadcasting, both in digital (DAB+) and analogue (FM) modes. It oversees the broadcasting authorisation procedure, from the conduct of calls for applications to the actual broadcasting of the service. It also ensures that public and private radio services comply with their obligations to broadcast songs and showcase music.

The Directorate for Online Platforms is responsible for the systemic regulation and supervision of online platform operators, in particular social networks and search engines, with regard to illegal and harmful content. Its tasks include the development of methods for assessing the means used by online platform operators under their legal and regulatory provisions on the one hand, and under the charters and codes that Arcom is responsible for monitoring on the other.

The Directorate of Studies, Economics and Prospective carries out the studies and analyses necessary for the regulation of audiovisual and digital communication, particularly in terms of innovations and digital technologies. In this respect, its tasks include carrying out economic impact studies, preparing opinions for the Competition Authority and Arcep, and monitoring the markets for broadcasting rights for audiovisual, film and sports content.

The European and International Affairs Directorate proposes and implements Arcom’s European and international actions. In particular, it ensures Arcom’s participation in the networks of regulators of which it is a member, defines Arcom’s positions and influence strategy with the European Union, manages the files relating to extra-European channels and participates in the monitoring of France’s external broadcasting.

The Legal Directorate ensures the legal security of all Arcom’s activities. In this respect, it is in charge of carrying out the legal studies necessary for the interpretation of the law and for the preparation of decisions and opinions issued by Arcom. It also provides legal expertise on the various analyses relating to the regulator’s activities. It is also responsible for preparing Arcom’s defence in litigation cases, and for registering dispute settlement proceedings brought before the authority.

The Communication Directorate promotes the Arcom’s image, values, missions, actions and messages to all audiences. It defines the overall communication strategy and oversees its implementation, in collaboration with the Chair and the Executive Board and in liaison with the directorates.

The Administrative, Financial and Information Systems Directorate is responsible for budgetary and financial affairs, human resources, social dialogue, general resources and information systems.


Find all the information on the new official website:


Website of the Arcom:


Autorité de régulation de la communication audiovisuelle et numérique
Tour Mirabeau
39-43, quai André-Citroën
75739 Paris cedex 15
Telephone: +33 1 40 58 38 00
Fax: +33 1 45 79 00 06