The AEM of Croatia assumes the Presidency of the MNRA

Since December 2020, the Agency for Electronic Media (AEM) of Croatia assumes the Presidency of the MNRA. It will host the  21st Plenary Assembly on October 2021.

14th Technical Commission, 18 June 2020

The 14th Technical Commission of the MNRA met by videoconference on the 18th of June 2020 at the invitation of the AEM of Croatia, which assumes the incoming vice-presidency of the network. The CAC of Catalonia, Spain, was represented as the current Chair of the network and as founding member, the NCRTV of Greece and the ERC of Portugal…

13th Technical Commission, 28 June 2019, Rabat

  The 13th MNRA Technical Commission met in Rabat on 28 June 2019, at the invitation of the HACA of Morocco, which is the incoming vice-president of the network and a member of its executive secretariat. The CAC of Catalonia - Spain, in its capacity aspresident-in-office of the network and as a founding member, and the French CSA,…

20th Plenary Assembly, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, 22 and 23 November 2018

The 20th Plenary Assembly of the Network of Mediterranean Regulatory Authorities (MNRA) was held in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, on 22 and 23 November 2018, at the invitation of the Consell de l'Audiovisual de Catalunya (CAC). Twenty member authorities from seventeen countries and territories around the Mediterranean were present: the…